Tribbles Tribbles Everywhere…

Tribbles Tribbles Everywhere…or at least I think that was the plan.
Apologies for the lack of posting/updates. I got a part-time job that ended up being pretty much fulltime/overtime at Christmas and so ate in to all my art and crafting plans. I have currently lost my craft space too so that’s causing a few problems. Anyway I eventually have something art related to share. The 20-21 Visual Arts Centre in Scunthorpe are holding a special event soon:

It’s called The Final Frontier and is part of the museums at Night Event.  Artist Jessica Voorsanger and the 20-21 Arts Centre are holding a Sci-Fi themed event (mostly Star Trek) and so needed a load of Tribbles making. They were asking for people to come in to the gallery and collect a pack or to join in at the activity table. I took a bag away with me  and made a bunch but it turns out that they want loads and loads and these Tribbles instead of taking over actually take up little to no room at all.


There are 18 here (in above pic) but it doesn’t look like there are that many.

Perhaps they are escaping somewhere….

In more personal art news I am currently working on some things for this years Steampunk Asylum event – like usual I need to keep these secret otherwise I can’t enter the competition so you will have a long wait to see those, sorry! I will post anything none competition related that I make though! I will be entering the Open Exhibition at 20-21 like usual too and I have also decided on some new items to make with the aim of selling them on etsy etc. I am also considering taking part in this years Insight Open Studios event and the Christmas Market at the Ropewalk as I couldn’t take part last year. This all means though that I should have new work to share very soon over these next few months!

Art Exhibition

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that there is an Art Exhibition on this weekend at the Town Hall, Kirton In Lindsey, North Lincolnshire. It will only be a small exhibition but my Steampunk Pirate Bear will be on show along with work from other local artists and crafts people. It is open on Saturday 5th October 10am – 5pm and Sunday 6th October 10am – 4pm.

More Info Here:


Yarnbomb art piece update

Exciting news – a home has been found for the yarnbomb. In between travelling and being worked on it will be on display upstairs in the pub Widow Cullens Well (home to the Lincoln Steampunk society). It won’t be up for a couple of weeks but once it is then if you happen to be in Lincoln just pop in and have a look.

Steampunk Art and the Asylum

So the Asylum Steampunk weekend is sadly over and all the Steampunks have had to go home back to their normal everyday lives. It was so much fun though (like always) and yet again I have been blown away by just how splendid everyone looked and the creativity and imagination that people put in to their outfits. I can now share with you not only pictures of the few accessories I made but also of the yarnbomb and the top secret exhibition piece that I had been working on.

 Asylum festival website:

The Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb:


I eventually have a photo of the yarnbomb to share with you – this is how it looks currently but new pieces will continue to be added to it so hopefully it will grow in to something massive. If you are interested in contributing to it then check out the facebook page, you can be based anywhere as you just post the piece off to be added on.


Here are a few things I made for this year. Baby octopus for in a jar, goggles, spats, gun and holster

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Each year the Asylum holds an exhibition of Steampunk art work that is created by Asylum attendees. Anyone can submit a piece you just need to take it with you and follow the few guidelines. The exhibition can include a whole range of things like guns, gadgets, paintings, modern steampunked items, inventions etc. It also includes a Steambear category (Steampunk Bear) which is the category I entered. The pieces are submitted anonymously for judging or if you just wish to display work then you write a note to say exhibition only This is the reason I couldn’t post anything about it beforehand online as then it may have been seen by people so would not be anonymous.

Here is my bear and a close up of the gun I made him:

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The artwork had to be accompanied by a short write up of 100 words of less so this was mine:

Name: Captain Ru M. Belli 

Ship: The Golden Octopus.

Preferring to use sharp wit, charm and intellect he manages to get what he wants without much blood ever needing to be spilled. He has a fierce reputation for being very scheming and doing whatever is necessary to get what he wants. In a striking crimson red coat he ensures he never goes un-noticed and his display of weaponry mixed with his reputation puts off most other bears from picking a fight.

Monogoggle that functions as a telescope and sextant.
Self designed T-Bear Beralock pistol

My bear didn’t win the Steambear category but I did get a Highly Commended rosette which was nice, the Captain seems happy enough with it.


Steampunk Yarnbomb

Hello Everyone,

Following on from my last post – The yarnbomb will be displayed on Westgate School fence from Friday evening until Sunday evening. If you happen to be in Lincoln for the Asylum Steampunk festival (or any other reason) don’t forget to stop by and have a look.

Also speaking of the Asylum I’ve been busy making all sorts of stuff for it, just a few small things, nothing massive. I will update with photos soon, once the weekend is out the way. It starts tomorrow, so exciting!!

Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb will be in Lincoln

The Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb will be on show next weekend (13, 14, 15, Sept) as part of the Asylum Steampunk Festival. I’m not 100% sure where it will be displayed but I will find out. The Asylum is a wonderful event so I strongly suggest visiting for that anyway if only to see the wonderful costumes and outfits that people will be wearing. As for the Yarnbomb itself it will feature a lot of new artworks on it for this weekend, I have seen lots of the patches online and they are lovely, inventive and really creative so if you happen to be in or around Lincoln please do go and see it.

Steampunk Stamford

The next showing of The Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb (which my patch is part of) will be at this event in Stamford on Friday August 9:

Showing This Weekend…

The very first showing of the Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb will be this coming Saturday 27 July 2013 from 12pm onwards at this event in Lincoln – The Lincoln Hackspace Flea Market Carnival at the Dog and Bone, Lincoln.

Event Details:

Join us for a day full of fun in aid of the Lincoln Hackspace, with flea market, Artists stalls, Music, Art, Circus acts, food, tombola and many more.

Featuring music from
Gaz Clitheroe
Karl Svarc
The Unknown Stuntmen
Ric Birtill
And Foofoo

Fire performer The Dandy Inferno

Art from the fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb.

Event can be found here on facebook:



10 John Street

The Splendopus


I just wanted to share my newest creation with you all – The Splendopus (he’s a splendid octopus). He has a top hat, pipe and well groomed moustache. He’s a patch work piece that I created for on a community art piece called The Fantabulous Travelling Steampunk Yarnbomb. When I have full details of its touring I shall post them on here. A whole load of artists and Steampunks have been involved in the piece, we all submit a patch or object and then Hazel combines it all together to make one huge yarnbomb. I used felt to make my creation. I hope if the yarnbomb travels somewhere near to you that you manage to see it!


Detail Shots

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